Let’s Level the Playing Field

CoBuy launches a new initiative to empower sustainable homeownership for Low- and Moderate-Income Households.
At CoBuy, we're on a mission to unlock homeownership and wealth creation.
Homeownership is the #1 driver of US household wealth. However, the current infrastructure that enables and supports homeownership fails millions.
- Low- and Moderate-Income folks
- People of Color
- Non-nuclear households
Teaming up to buy and own a home with friends, relatives, or a loved one cuts the financial costs of buying and owning a home by up to 60% in major metros. Today, co-ownership is complicated, risky, and inefficient.
We remove the friction.
In our Co-buying & Co-owning a Home 2024 report, we identify key challenges and opportunities.
Today, we announce a bold new initiative to level the playing field, starting with:
- New discounts for Low- and Moderate-Income folks
- Government partnerships
New Low- and Moderate-Income Discounts
We're offering LMI discounts on our main products.
- 75% off our online course for co-buyers
- 75% off Co-ownerOS™ for subscribers
Everyone should have access to powerful tools, resources, and education that promote financial freedom.
Government partnerships
We're speaking to state and local governments to identify partners, define an action plan, and execute that plan to deliver near-term results.
Why should the government work with us?
- We tackle the housing affordability crisis with a market-based solution.
- We help folks achieve and sustain homeownership.
- We address mismatched housing supply/demand, improving the use of the existing housing stock.
- We help affirm Fair Housing certification through our programs.
The benefits to the government are a healthier, wealthier, more stable tax base.
➡️ Click here to apply for the discount or send us a note.
About CoBuy, Inc.
CoBuy is a WealthTech startup founded in 2017 by veteran real estate and finance professionals to simplify home co-ownership. Learn more on our About page.
Co-ownerOS™ is our new app to plan, structure, and manage home co-ownership.
How to Co-buy a Home is an online course for friends, relatives, and loved ones interested in co-buying.
What are co-buying and co-ownership?
Co-buying involves buying a home with someone who is not a spouse.
Co-ownership involves two or more people who aren't married to one another sharing ownership interest in a home.
Examples include friends, relatives, unmarried couples, multiple couples, and combinations.
What is a Low- or Moderate-Income Household?
Low-Income Households have an annual income of less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for their geographic area. For instance, if the AMI in a particular area is $100,000, a household earning less than $50,000 would be considered low-income.
Moderate-Income Households have an annual income between 50% and 80% of the AMI. Using the same AMI of $100,000, moderate-income households would earn between $50,000 and $80,000.
These definitions are based on guidelines used by various federal programs, such as those outlined under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Who is eligible for CoBuy's LMI discount program?
Any individual who qualifies as Low- or Moderate-Income can apply for the discount on our online course.
Any household or group of individuals who qualify as Low- or Moderate-Income can apply for the discount to Co-ownerOS™.
You can check Area Median Income (AMI) thresholds using FreddieMac's AMI tool.